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Python Chat 1 - Exploring __builtins__


We know that __builtins__ itself is an object that exists in the global namespace, intentionally exposed by Python at the code level, and can be directly used anywhere in the code. But a little-known fact is that in the main module (also known as __main__, referring to the same module, which may be used interchangeably later), it refers to the __builtin__ module, whereas in other modules, it represents __builtin__.__dict__, which is a bit perplexing. Although it's not recommended to use __builtins__ directly, why do you bring up two scenarios? In this article, we will explore the origin of this setting and find answers to these questions: What is the difference between __builtin__ and __builtins__? Why are __builtins__ different in the main module and other modules? Where is __builtins__ defined?


Before discussing __builtins__, we need to take a look at what __builtin__ is. __builtin__ is the module that contains all the built-in objects. The built-in objects that we can directly use in Python are essentially objects in the __builtin__ module, which are located in __builtin__.__dict__, corresponding to Python's built-in namespace. Remember this key point: __builtin__ is a module. We can find the definition and usage of the __builtin__ module in the Python source code (note that the Python source code mentioned below refers to the CPython-2.7.18 source code):

// pythonrun.c
Py_InitializeEx(int install_sigs)
    PyInterpreterState *interp;
// Initialize __builtin__
    bimod = _PyBuiltin_Init();
    // interp->builtins = __builtin__.__dict__
    interp->builtins = PyModule_GetDict(bimod);

// bltinmodule.c
PyObject *
    PyObject *mod, *dict, *debug;
    mod = Py_InitModule4("__builtin__", builtin_methods,
                         builtin_doc, (PyObject *)NULL,
    if (mod == NULL)
        return NULL;
    dict = PyModule_GetDict(mod);

// Add built-in objects to the dictionary

// ceval.c
// Get builtins
PyObject *
    PyFrameObject *current_frame = PyEval_GetFrame();
    if (current_frame == NULL)
        return PyThreadState_GET()->interp->builtins;
        return current_frame->f_builtins;

When Python initializes, it calls _PyBuiltin_Init to create the __builtin__ module and adds the built-in objects to it. The interpreter itself will refer to interp->builtins = __buintin__.__dict__, and the currently executing stack frame structure will also refer to current_frame->f_builtins. So, naturally, when executing code needs to find an object based on its name, Python will look in current_frame->f_builtins and be able to access all the built-in objects.

// ceval.c
// First look in the f->f_locals namespace
    if (x == NULL) {
    // Look for the global scope again
        x = PyDict_GetItem(f->f_globals, w);
        if (x == NULL) {
// Look for it in the built-in space
            x = PyDict_GetItem(f->f_builtins, w);
            if (x == NULL) {
                            NAME_ERROR_MSG, w);

Finally, due to the name __builtin__ being too confusing, it has been renamed to builtins in Python3.


The behavior of __builtins__ is a bit strange: In the main module (the main module, also known as the environment where the top-level code is executed, is the Python module specified by the user to run first. This is typically the module that we run from the command line using python Here, is the module), __builtins__ = __builtin__. In other modules, __builtins__ = __builtin__.__dict__.

The same name, but behaving differently in different modules, can easily be confusing. However, as long as you understand this setup, it's enough to support you in using __builtins__ in Python, and confusion will not affect your ability to write sufficiently secure code, such as:

def SetBuiltins(builtins, key, val):
    if isinstance(builtins, dict):
        builtins[key] = val
        setattr(builtins, key, val)

SetBuiltins(__builtins__, 'test', 1)

It's worth noting that it's actually not recommended to use __builtins__:

CPython implementation detail: Users should not touch __builtins__; it is strictly an implementation detail. Users wanting to override values in the builtins namespace should import the __builtin__ (no ‘s’) module and modify its attributes appropriately.

Of course, such doubts will eventually make you curious. That's why I've decided to continue exploring, which is also the reason for this article. The following content will delve deeply into the CPython implementation detail.

Restricted Execution

Restricted Execution can be understood as executing unsafe code with limitations. The so-called restrictions can include limiting access to the network, I/O, and so on, to confine the code within a certain execution environment, controlling the code's execution permissions, and preventing it from impacting the external environment and system. A common use case is online code execution websites, such as this one: pythonsandbox

As you guessed, the setting of __builtins__ in Python is related to Restricted Execution. Python provided similar functionality prior to version 2.3 [Restricted Execution] as expected.( because it was later confirmed to be unworkable, this feature had to be disabled. However, the code is still preserved in version 2.7.18, so we can go back and take a look.

First, let's take a look at the setting of __builtins__ in the Python source code:

// pythonrun.c
static void initmain(void)
    PyObject *m, *d;
// Get the __main__ module
    m = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
    if (m == NULL)
        Py_FatalError("can't create __main__ module");

    // d = __main__.__dict__
    d = PyModule_GetDict(m);

Set `__builtins__` in `__main__.__dict__`, if it does not exist already.
    if (PyDict_GetItemString(d, "__builtins__") == NULL) {
        PyObject *bimod = PyImport_ImportModule("__builtin__");
        if (bimod == NULL ||
            PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__builtins__", bimod) != 0)
            Py_FatalError("can't add __builtins__ to __main__");

In initmain, Python will set the __builtins__ attribute for the __main__ module by default to be equal to the __builtin__ module, but if it already exists, it will be skipped and not reset. Taking advantage of this characteristic, we can modify __main__.__builtins__ to change some built-in functionalities, in order to restrict the execution permissions of the code. The specific method is not mentioned for now, but let's take a look at how __builtins__ is propagated.

Passing __builtins__

When creating a new stack frame:

PyFrameObject *
PyFrame_New(PyThreadState *tstate, PyCodeObject *code, PyObject *globals,
            PyObject *locals)
    if (back == NULL || back->f_globals != globals) {
// Use globals['__builtins__'] as the __builtins__ for the new stack frame
The `builtin_object` is the string '__builtins__'.
        builtins = PyDict_GetItem(globals, builtin_object);
        if (builtins) {
            if (PyModule_Check(builtins)) {
                builtins = PyModule_GetDict(builtins);
                assert(!builtins || PyDict_Check(builtins));
            else if (!PyDict_Check(builtins))
                builtins = NULL;

    else {
        /* If we share the globals, we share the builtins.
           Save a lookup and a call. */
// Or directly inherit f_builtins from the upper stack frame
        builtins = back->f_builtins;
        assert(builtins != NULL && PyDict_Check(builtins));
    f->f_builtins = builtins;
    f->f_globals = globals;

When creating a new stack frame, there are mainly two ways to handle __builtins__: one is when there is no upper-level stack frame, you take globals['__builtins__']; the other is to directly take f_builtins from the upper-level stack frame. In summary, under normal circumstances, the __builtins__ set in __main__ will be inherited by subsequent stack frames as if they were shared.

When importing the import module:

static PyObject *
load_compiled_module(char *name, char *cpathname, FILE *fp)
    long magic;
    PyCodeObject *co;
    PyObject *m;
    co = read_compiled_module(cpathname, fp);
    m = PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(name, (PyObject *)co, cpathname);

PyObject *
PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(char *name, PyObject *co, char *pathname)
    m = PyImport_AddModule(name);
    // d = m.__dict__
    d = PyModule_GetDict(m);

// Set the __builtins__ property for the new loaded module here
    if (PyDict_GetItemString(d, "__builtins__") == NULL) {
        if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__builtins__",
                                 PyEval_GetBuiltins()) != 0)
            goto error;
    // globals = d, locals = d
    v = PyEval_EvalCode((PyCodeObject *)co, d, d);

PyObject *
PyEval_EvalCode(PyCodeObject *co, PyObject *globals, PyObject *locals)
    return PyEval_EvalCodeEx(co,
                      globals, locals,
                      (PyObject **)NULL, 0,
                      (PyObject **)NULL, 0,
                      (PyObject **)NULL, 0,

When importing other modules, the __builtins__ of that module will be set to the return value of PyEval_GetBuiltins(), which we have already mentioned, in most cases it is equivalent to current_frame->f_builtins. For import within the __main__ module, current_frame is the stack frame of the __main__ module, and current_frame->f_builtins = __main__.__dict__['__builtins__'] (the first case mentioned in the previous section about PyFrame_New).

The newly loaded module will use PyEval_EvalCode to execute the code in the new module. You can see that the arguments globals and locals passed to PyEval_EvalCode are actually the module's own __dict__, and the module m.__dict__['__builtins__'] = PyEval_GetBuiltins().

From a comprehensive view, we can infer that the modules imported starting from the __main__ module will also inherit the __builtins__ in __main__ and pass it down in internal imports. This ensures that all modules and submodules loaded from __main__ can share the same __builtins__ from `main.

So what if the function is called within a module? For functions within a module, when creating and calling them:

// ceval.c
// Create function
    v = POP(); /* code object */

// The `f->f_globals` here is equivalent to the module's own globals, as mentioned above, it is also equivalent to `m.__dict__`.
    x = PyFunction_New(v, f->f_globals);

PyObject *
PyFunction_New(PyObject *code, PyObject *globals)
    PyFunctionObject *op = PyObject_GC_New(PyFunctionObject,
// This is equivalent to op->func_globals = globals = f->f_globals
    op->func_globals = globals;

// Call the function
static PyObject *
fast_function(PyObject *func, PyObject ***pp_stack, int n, int na, int nk)
    PyCodeObject *co = (PyCodeObject *)PyFunction_GET_CODE(func);
    // globals = func->func_globals
    PyObject *globals = PyFunction_GET_GLOBALS(func);
// Global variables are passed to PyEval_EvalCodeEx, which in turn passes them to PyFrame_New to create a new stack frame.
    return PyEval_EvalCodeEx(co, globals,
                             (PyObject *)NULL, (*pp_stack)-n, na,
                             (*pp_stack)-2*nk, nk, d, nd,

When creating a function, the variable f->f_globals is stored in the function structure variable func_globals, and for the module m, f->f_globals = m.__dict__. When the function is executed, the globals parameter passed to PyFrame_New is the func_globals that was saved during creation, and __builtins__ can naturally be obtained in func_globals.

So far, the propagation of __builtins__ can ensure consistency. All modules, submodules, functions, stack frames, etc. can refer to the same one, which means they have the same built-in namespace.

Specify execution of the __main__ module.

We already know that the __builtins__ of the __main__ module can be passed to all submodules, functions, and stack frames. When executing python from the command line, Python will execute as the __main__ module. How is this achieved?

// python.c
main(int argc, char **argv)
    return Py_Main(argc, argv);

// main.c
Py_Main(int argc, char **argv)
// Try executing code using the importer of the module
    if (filename != NULL) {
        sts = RunMainFromImporter(filename);
// Typically, we use this to execute our own py files.
    sts = PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(
            filename == NULL ? "<stdin>" : filename,
            filename != NULL, &cf) != 0;

// pythonrun.c
PyRun_AnyFileExFlags(FILE *fp, const char *filename, int closeit,
                     PyCompilerFlags *flags)
    return PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags(fp, filename, closeit, flags);

PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags(FILE *fp, const char *filename, int closeit,
                        PyCompilerFlags *flags)
    m = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
    d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
// Set the __file__ attribute
    if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__file__", f) < 0) {
    // globals = locals = d = __main__.__dict__
    v = run_pyc_file(fp, filename, d, d, flags);

static PyObject *
run_pyc_file(FILE *fp, const char *filename, PyObject *globals,
             PyObject *locals, PyCompilerFlags *flags)
// Read code object co from pyc file and execute the code.
// PyEval_EvalCode also calls PyFrame_New to create a new frame.
    v = PyEval_EvalCode(co, globals, locals);

When executing python, in general, it will reach PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags. Inside PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags, it will fetch __main__.__dict__ as the globals and locals when executing the code, eventually passing it to PyFrame_New to create a new stack frame to execute Combined with what we mentioned earlier about passing __builtins__ in modules and functions, this allows subsequent code executions to share the same current_frame->f_builtins = __main__.__builtins__.__dict__.

Revisiting Restricted Execution

Python has provided [Restricted Execution] before version 2.3.( is made based on the characteristics of __builtins__. Alternatively, one can consider that the reason __builtins__ is designed as a module object in the __main__ module and as a dict object in other modules is to achieve Restricted Execution.

Consider this scenario: if we could freely customize our __builtin__ module and set it as __main__.__builtins__, then all subsequent executed code would use our customized module. We would be able to customize specific versions of built-in functions and types such as open, __import__, file, and so on. Furthermore, could this approach help us restrict the permissions for executing code, preventing it from making unsafe function calls or accessing unsafe files?

Python had already made this attempt at that time, and the module that implements this functionality is called rexec.


I don't intend to go into too much detail about the implementation of rexec, because the principle has already been explained in the previous text, and this module itself is deprecated. I will simply provide a brief summary of some key code snippets for easy reference.

class RExec(ihooks._Verbose):
    nok_builtin_names = ('open', 'file', 'reload', '__import__')

    def __init__(self, hooks = None, verbose = 0):
        self.modules = {}
        self.loader = RModuleLoader(self.hooks, verbose)
        self.importer = RModuleImporter(self.loader, verbose)

    def make_builtin(self):
        m = self.copy_except(__builtin__, self.nok_builtin_names)
        m.__import__ = self.r_import
        m.reload = self.r_reload = m.file = self.r_open

    def add_module(self, mname):
        m = self.modules.get(mname)
        if m is None:
            self.modules[mname] = m = self.hooks.new_module(mname)
        m.__builtins__ = self.modules['__builtin__']
        return m

    def r_exec(self, code):
        m = self.add_module('__main__')
        exec code in m.__dict__

    def r_eval(self, code):
        m = self.add_module('__main__')
        return eval(code, m.__dict__)

    def r_execfile(self, file):
        m = self.add_module('__main__')
        execfile(file, m.__dict__)

The r_execfile function executes the file as the __main__ module, except __main__ is customized. In the self.add_module('__main__') code, the module's m.__builtins__ is set to self.modules['__builtin__']. The __builtin__ is custom-generated by make_builtin, replacing the __import__, reload, and open functions and deleting the file type. This way, we can control the access to the built-in namespace by the code to be executed.

For some built-in modules, rexec has also been customized to protect against unsafe access. For example, the sys module only keeps a portion of its objects and uses the customized self.loader and self.importer to prioritize loading the customized modules when importing.

If you are interested in the details of the code, please refer to the relevant source code yourself.

The failure of rexec

The previous mentioned, Python 2.3 and later, rexec has been deprecated, because this approach has been proven to be unfeasible. With curiosity, let's briefly trace the origin:

  • Someone reported a [Bug] in the community.( triggered a discussion among developers:

    it's never going to be safe, and I doubt it's very useful as long as it's not safe.

    Every change is a potential security hole.

    it's hard to predict what change is going to break it.

    I don't expect you'll ever reach the point where it'll be wise to advertise this as safe. I certainly won't.

    this is only a useful occupation if you expect to eventually reach a point where you expect that there aren't any security flaws left. Jeremy & I both doubt that Python will ever reach that level, meaning that the whole exercise of fixing security flaws is a waste of time (if you know you can't make it safe, don't waste time trying).

    I agree (but I have said that in past) the best thing is to deprecate/rip out rexec.

    The code will still be in older versions if someone decides to pick it up and work on it as a separate project.

The cause of this bug was that Python introduced the new-style class object, which resulted in rexec not functioning properly. As a result, developers expressed that in the foreseeable future, it would be difficult to avoid this situation, as any changes might lead to rexec vulnerabilities, malfunctioning, or breaches of permission restrictions, making it practically impossible to provide a secure environment without vulnerabilities. Developers would constantly need to fix and patch, wasting a considerable amount of time. In the end, the rexec module was abandoned, and Python did not provide similar functionality again. However, the setting of __builtins__ was retained due to compatibility issues and other reasons.

In the back, around 2010, a programmer launched [pysandbox].(,dedicated to providing a Python sandbox environment that can replace rexec. However, after 3 years, the author voluntarily abandoned this project and detailed why the author believed the project had failed: The pysandbox project is broken,other authors have also written articles summarizing the failure of this project: The failure of pysandboxIf you're interested, you can take a look at the original text for more details. I'll also provide some excerpts here to help you understand:

After having work during 3 years on a pysandbox project to sandbox untrusted code, I now reached a point where I am convinced that pysandbox is broken by design. Different developers tried to convinced me before that pysandbox design is unsafe, but I had to experience it myself to be convineced.

I now agree that putting a sandbox in CPython is the wrong design. There are too many ways to escape the untrusted namespace using the various introspection features of the Python language. To guarantee the [safety] of a security product, the code should be [carefully] audited and the code to review must be as small as possible. Using pysandbox, the "code" is the whole Python core which is a really huge code base. For example, the Python and Objects directories of Python 3.4 contain more than 126,000 lines of C code.

The security of pysandbox is the security of its weakest part. A single bug is enough to escape the whole sandbox.

pysandbox cannot be used in practice. To protect the untrusted namespace, pysandbox installs a lot of different protections. Because of all these protections, it becomes hard to write Python code. Basic features like "del dict[key]" are denied. Passing an object to a sandbox is not possible to sandbox, pysandbox is unable to proxify arbitary objects. For something more complex than evaluating "1+(2*3)", pysandbox cannot be used in practice, because of all these protections.

The author of pysandbox believes that creating a sandbox environment within Python is a flawed design. There are too many ways to escape from the sandbox, Python offers rich language features, and the extensive codebase of CPython makes it nearly impossible to ensure sufficient security. The development of pysandbox has involved continuously patching the system with so many restrictions that the author now believes it is no longer practical to use. Many syntax features and functionalities, such as simple operations like del dict[key], have been restricted and cannot be used.

Restricted Execution Where is the way out

Since methods like rexec and pysandbox that provide sandbox environments by patching Python are no longer feasible, I can't help but wonder: How can Python be provided with a usable sandbox environment?

Here I continue to collect some other implementation methods or cases for easy reference and consultation:

  • PyPyThere is a branchProvided sandbox functionality, combined with additional sandboxlib, you can compile a version of PyPy with a sandbox environment by yourself. If you are interested, you can try to configure it on your own, referring to some [instructions] here.( principle behind PyPy’s implementation is to create a subprocess, where all the input, output, and system calls are redirected to an external process, which controls those permissions. Additionally, it can also control the usage of memory and CPU. It's worth noting that this branch has not had any new commits for some time, so please use it with caution.

By using the sandbox environment tool provided by the operating system. [seccomp]( is a security tool provided by the Linux kernel, [libseccomp].( Python bindings, which can be embedded into code for use; or use tools based on seccomp to execute code, such as [Firejail].( AppArmorIt is a Linux kernel security module that allows administrators to control the system resources and functionality that programs can access, thus protecting the operating system. codejailIt's a Python sandbox environment based on AppArmor. Feel free to give it a try. There are many similar tools out there, but I won't list them all here.


This article is a bit long, thank you for reading this far, I believe all the questions raised at the beginning of the article have been fully answered.


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