




滑鼠滾輪:控制攝影機的遠近 相機無法穿過任何堅硬物體。 相机在与刚性物体发生碰撞后,会逐渐回到原来的位置上。 7. 如果相機在碰到剛體時,使用滑鼠滾輪操作相機拉近,相機需要馬上反應,此後第6點不再發生;碰撞地面後不能進行縮放操作。 相機在旋轉中碰到地面,停止圍繞人物上下旋轉,改為圍繞自身上下旋轉,左右旋轉依然是圍繞人物。



滑鼠滾輪的控制非常簡單,只需要知道如何獲取滾輪資訊Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel"),然後設定最大和最小的距離值就可以了:

public float mouseWheelSensitivity = 2; // control zoom speed
public int mouseWheelZoomMin = 2;       // min distance
public int mouseWheelZoomMax = 10;      // max distance
float curDistance = 5F;
float zoom = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
if (zoom != 0F)
    float distance = curDistance;
    distance -= zoom * mouseWheelSensitivity;
    distance = Math.Min(mouseWheelZoomMax, Math.Max(mouseWheelZoomMin, distance));
    return distance;

這裡的 playerTransform 指向角色。



static bool Raycast(Ray ray, RaycastHit hitInfo, float distance = Mathf.Infinity, int layerMask = DefaultRaycastLayers);


RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Raycast(playerTransform.position, desiredPosition - playerTransform.position,
    out hitInfo, (playerTransform.position - desiredPosition).magnitude, 1))
    curDistance = hitInfo.distance;



完成這項功能的首要步驟是分別記錄相機應該處於的距離(desiredDistance)以及當前距離(curDistance),將滾輪操作的結果暫存為desiredDistance,然後根據碰撞計算物體的新距離。 在檢測到相機離開剛體,或者碰撞到更遠的剛體時,不能直接將碰撞的位置賦值給相機,需要用一個移動速度來向新的距離移動。先來獲取新的距離:

float newDistance = desiredDistance;
RaycastHit hitInfo;
if (Physics.Raycast(playerTransform.position, desiredPosition - playerTransform.position,
    out hitInfo, (playerTransform.position - desiredPosition).magnitude, 1))
    newDistance = hitInfo.distance;


// 向更近的距離移動
if (newDistance < curDistance)
    curDistance = newDistance;
// 向更遠的距離移動
else if(newDistance > curDistance)


curDistance = Math.Min(curDistance + Time.deltaTime * autoZoomOutSpeed, newDistance);



碰到剛體後只能拉近,不能拉遠 碰到地面後不能縮放


bool isHitGround = false;       // 表示是否碰撞地面
isHitObject 這個布林值變數表示是否碰撞到物體(不包括地面)。


if (zoom != 0F && (!isHitGround || (isHitObject && zoom > 0F)) )
    // calculate distance



if ((!isHitGround) || 
    (isHitGround && transform.forward.y <= cameraToPlayer.y && yAngle > 0))
    cameraToPlayer = RotateY(cameraToPlayer, playerTransform.up, 
        transform.right, yAngle);


未觸及地面 - 碰到地面,但準備離開地面


transform.position = playerTransform.position - cameraToPlayer * curDistance;


if (!isHitGround)
    desireForward = RotateX(desireForward, playerTransform.up, xAngle);
    desireForward = RotateY(desireForward, playerTransform.up, transform.right, yAngle);
    transform.forward = desireForward;



using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;

// use a forward vector and distance to describe the camera position
public class MyThirdPersonCamera : MonoBehaviour {

    private Transform playerTransform;      // reference to player

    public float mouseWheelSensitivity = 3; // control zoom speed
    public int mouseWheelZoomMin = 2;       // min distance
    public int mouseWheelZoomMax = 10;      // max distance

    public float rotateSpeed = 5F;          // speed of rotate around player    
    public float autoZoomOutSpeed = 10F;    // speed of auto zoom out, camera will auto zoom out 
                                            // to pre distance when stop colliding object
    float curDistance = 5F;                 // distance to player
    float desiredDistance = 5F;             // distance should be      
    bool isHitGround = false;               // hit ground flag
    bool isHitObject = false;               // hit object(except ground) flag

    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake ()
        playerTransform = transform.parent;

    void Start () 
        transform.position = playerTransform.position - playerTransform.forward 
            * curDistance;


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () 
        Vector3 cameraToPlayer = 
            (playerTransform.position - transform.position).normalized;

        Vector3 desireForward = transform.forward;

        // get new distance of zoom
        desiredDistance = ZoomIt(curDistance, desiredDistance);

        float xAngle, yAngle;
        bool isRightDown;

        // get mouse LB, RB status
        GetMouseButtonStatus(out xAngle, out yAngle, out isRightDown);

        // rotate camera by x-axis movement
        cameraToPlayer = RotateX(cameraToPlayer, playerTransform.up, xAngle);

        // if RB on, change player orientation
        if (isRightDown)
            playerTransform.forward = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(cameraToPlayer.
                x, 0, cameraToPlayer.z));

        // rotate camera by y-axis, if camera is not on ground or camera is going to leave ground
        if ((!isHitGround) 
        || (isHitGround && transform.forward.y <= cameraToPlayer.y && yAngle > 0))
            cameraToPlayer = RotateY(cameraToPlayer, playerTransform.up, transform.
                right, yAngle);

        // detect collision of camera to rigid body, get the distance camera should be
        float newDistance = DealWithCollision(playerTransform.position, 
            -cameraToPlayer, desiredDistance,ref isHitGround, ref isHitObject);

        // check the distance
        if (newDistance <= curDistance)
            curDistance = newDistance;
            // now moving to farther position, use a speed to move it
            curDistance = Math.Min(curDistance + Time.deltaTime * autoZoomOutSpeed, 

        // now calculate the position
        transform.position = playerTransform.position - cameraToPlayer * curDistance;

        // calculate the camera forward, if on ground, camera will rotate on self.Space
        if (!isHitGround)
            desireForward = RotateX(desireForward, playerTransform.up, xAngle);
            desireForward = RotateY(desireForward, playerTransform.up, transform.
                right, yAngle);
            transform.forward = desireForward;

    // zoom in and zoom out
    float ZoomIt(float curDistance, float desiredDistance)
        float zoom = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");

        //  zoom when hit rigid body and zoom in, or not on ground
        if (zoom != 0F && (!isHitGround || (isHitObject && zoom > 0F)) )
            float distance = curDistance;

            distance -= zoom * mouseWheelSensitivity;
            distance = Math.Min(mouseWheelZoomMax, Math.Max(mouseWheelZoomMin, distance));

            return distance;
        return desiredDistance;

    // rotate oldPosition around a axis starting at axisPosition
    Vector3 RotateAroundAxis(Vector3 point, float angle, Vector3 axis, Vector3 axisPosition)
        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, axis);
        Vector3 offset = point - axisPosition;
        return axisPosition + (rotation * offset);

    void GetMouseButtonStatus(out float x, out float y, out bool isRightDown)
        x = y = 0F;
        isRightDown = false;
        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) ^ Input.GetMouseButton(1))
            x = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * rotateSpeed;
            y = -Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * rotateSpeed;
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
                isRightDown = true;

    // rotate vectorP2C(player to camera) around up while mouse x is on, return true if do rotate
    Vector3 RotateX(Vector3 vectorP2C, Vector3 up, float angle)
        Vector3 newVector = vectorP2C;
        if (angle != 0F)
            newVector = RotateAroundAxis(newVector, angle, up, Vector3.zero);
        return newVector;

    // rotate vectorP2C(player to camera) around right while mouse y is on, return true is do rotate
    Vector3 RotateY(Vector3 vectorP2C, Vector3 up, Vector3 right, float angle)
        Vector3 newVector = vectorP2C;
        if (angle != 0F)
            if ((Vector3.Dot(vectorP2C, up) >= -0.99F || angle < 0)
                && (Vector3.Dot(vectorP2C, up) <= 0.99F || angle > 0))
                newVector = RotateAroundAxis(newVector, angle, right, Vector3.zero);
        return newVector;

    // return distance if no collision, else return distance to rigid body
    float DealWithCollision(Vector3 origin, Vector3 direction, float distance, 
        ref bool ishitGround, ref bool ishitObject)
        // collision detection
        RaycastHit hitInfo;
        float newDistance = distance;
        if (Physics.Raycast(playerTransform.position, direction, out hitInfo, desiredDistance, 1))
            if (hitInfo.collider is TerrainCollider)
                ishitGround = true;
                ishitObject = false;
                ishitObject = true;
                ishitGround = false;
            newDistance = hitInfo.distance;
            ishitGround = ishitObject = false;

        return newDistance;

Original: https://wiki.disenone.site/tc

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